Wednesday, March 28, 2007

How to build completely dynamic example with Spring 2, Scriptlandia, Beanshell, Groovy and JRuby (revisited)

I made small modifications to previously explained example in order to use the custom dynamic language tags from Spring 2 to define dynamic-language-backed beans. Finally, the spring configuration file looks like

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""

  <!-- Creates cat. -->
  <lang:groovy id="cat" script-source="classpath:Cat.groovy">
    <lang:property name="name" value="cat-name"/>

  <!-- Creates dog. -->
  <lang:jruby id="dog" script-interfaces="Animal" script-source="classpath:Dog.ruby"
              refresh-check-delay="5000"> <!-- switches refreshing on with 5 seconds between checks -->

    <lang:property name="name" value="dog-name"/>

  <!-- Creates cow. -->
  <lang:bsh id="cow" script-interfaces="Animal" script-source="classpath:Cow.bsh">
    <lang:property name="name" value="cow-name"/>

  <!-- Creates ant (inline script). -->
  <lang:groovy id="ant">
      class Ant implements Animal {
        String name

        void makeSound() {
          println name + ": Shhh..."
    <lang:property name="name" value="ant-name" />

  <!-- Creates animal farm. -->
  <bean id="farm" class="AnimalFarm">
    <property name="animals">
        <ref bean="cat"/>
        <ref bean="dog"/>
        <ref bean="cow"/>
        <ref bean="ant"/>


The final version of example is located here.

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